One of the more disappointing tweets to my day for was from @blackvoices “@blackvoices Arizona Law: Give It a Chance http://bit.ly/cxn68a” I hesitantly clicked the link hoping that there would be some kind of spin to the article; however, the title pretty much speaks for itself. For a website geared toward the issues of Black people to tell Black people to give any sort of creed to this new legislation that has been voted upon in Arizona is absolutely hypocritical and ludicrous. One of the major problems facing the communities of color is our disrespect for one another’s issues. I am not saying that it is something that everyone does; however, I believe a lot more could be done if we stood up for the rights of everyone as opposed to just standing up for the rights of ourselves. Holding someone else down is not the way that you will be able to rise up. Despite the fact that there are giant loopholes in the law it is unconstitutional and blatant racial profiling. Yes, there is an issue. No, I do not have a solution; however, this violates the rights of those CITIZENS who live in Arizona and have done nothing wrong. We should not wait until their civil liberties are violated and hope that someone will do something. We should fight to protect the civil liberties of all American citizens.
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