I remember as a teenager that a lot of people would participate in the national day of silence as a way to get out of talking in class. Not all of the people were supporting the movement, but everyone in my high school knew what it stood for. Hopefully the majority of the participants are giving this day the respect it deserves, but I encourage everyone to take the time out to educate them on an issue that may not be directly related to them.
I’ve always gone to schools that are LGBT friendly, but I have also grown up in Black culture, which is extremely homophobic. So today, I encourage those who still feel the need to demonstrate hate to remember the trials and tribulations that their cultures have gone through. Remember the justification those who oppressed you, your friends, and/or your family gave as an excuse to continue to belittle you and treat you as if you were not equal to them. Now look at yourself and assess your own beliefs. If someone is not infringing upon your personal rights to live, then what does it matter how they choose to live their lives. I’m not saying that you need to go and rally in the streets for LGBT causes; however, allowing people to be themselves regardless of your beliefs and your lifestyle can sometimes be enough to make a positive change.
And for those of you who choose to hate based upon your religious beliefs are being quite selective in your reading. Although all doctrine is up to interpretation, almost every culture has something similar to the golden rule. Spread the love stop the hate!

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