As I rang in the New Year with one of my best friends from college, we couldn't help but realize that we are turning 25 this year. In our last year of college we all laid on my bed and described the things that we wanted to be doing by the time that we were 25 like a checklist:
Living in our own (check)
Engaged to our special someone
Finished with Graduate School (check)
Starting out our careers (check)
Feel somewhat stable and established
And various other I will be doing and I will not be doing.
4 years have brought us love, loss, degrees, hard work, a recession, student loans constant re-evaluations, and most importantly reality checks! I have always felt that the age 25 is more of a distinguished age and time in life. Anyone who is close with me will know that I constantly say with a bit of sarcasm that once you are 25 you're old. My parents who are nearly 50 ask what I think of them , and I joke that they are ancient, but in all reality I do believe that 25 is a monumental age in one's life.
I see many of my friends having what I like to call a quarter life crisis. They can't find jobs, aren't sure if they should go to graduate school, are in graduate school but thinking maybe I chose the wrong career, and my female friends are feeling their internal clocks ticking to find that right someone and settle down. So how am I dealing with my quarter life crisis? By going through a bit of a selfish phase! I think at this point in my life, I have rid myself of most of my friends who bring too much drama, stick close to the people who I love and cherish, and continue to work hard to build a career that I can be proud of. I have realized that I can not be everything to everyone, and I have grown to accept that. Right now I am selfishly in a happy place. As I look back on the life that I thought I would have by 25, I have accomplished a lot of the things that were on my checklist and I have laughed at the fact that some of those things were even on my list.
So for the new year, I will continue to be no one else but me. A constantly evolving, laughing, loving caring, hard working me. No resolutions but to continue down the path that I have created for myself and have enough sense to continue to learn in order to keep growing. Happy New Year everyone!
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