Watching the happenings in Arizona is a heart wrenching experience. What is worse is listening to the amount of people spew hate from their mouths. This is America. Yes, I understand that something about immigration needs to be done; but, it seems like not too many Americans know their history or have chosen to catch amnesia. The majority of “Americans” are immigrants. Unless you are a naturalized American Indian, your ancestors were immigrants. Now some of you might say, “Hey, I came here legally, I’m a real American!” Well if you consider the European colonization of the Americas legal, I guess your right. But taking land that was already claimed, killing off an ethnicity of people, raging wars, spreading disease, and forcing American Indians into the corners of the country to live in confined spaces seems like the most legit takeover ever.
Throughout the years of our American takeover history almost every ethnicity or religious group has been demonized throughout the years. People do not like change. People do not like to be outnumbered. People do not know their history. Fear and ignorance cause discrimination and hate. But the fact is that immigration is what keeps our country thriving. America the ugly was built on the backs of indentured servants and slaves. i.e. cheap labor. After slavery was abolished, there were waves of different cultures that continued to come into our country both legally and illegally for various reasons in order to thrive in a new world. These immigrants took those jobs that no one wanted for wages that no one wanted in order for big business to continue to grow and thrive. The truth is we have a problem, but we should not solve our problems at the expense of American citizens being profiled and badgered because they look like a group of people who continue to enter this country illegally.
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