In a recent article in Vibe magazine, rapper Slim Thug makes many over exaggerations, which I hate to say, have some basis in the truth. Unfortunately, his way of describing his point only makes him as horrible and hypocritical as the people he is talking about.
The article begins with the statement, “The way Black people think in general is messed up. Both men and women need to change their way of thinking.” This statement would probably be the peak of the article, and everything else goes down hill from there.
Slim continues to explain himself by stating,
Most single Black women feel like they don’t want to settle for less. Their standards are too high right now. They have to understand that successful Black men are kind of extinct. We’re important. It’s hard to find us so Black women have to bow down and let it be known that they gotta start working hard; they gotta start cooking and being down for they man more. They can’t just be running around with their head up in the air and passing all of us.
To be honest I would never tell a woman to settle for less, but I would tell a woman to reevaluate her basis of what it means to be a good man. If you do not know what you are looking for in a man, you will be able to find a man who meets your stands. In addition, if you are only looking at a mans worth based upon his bank account, you are setting yourself up for failure. My personal belief is that I can take care of myself, and I base the value on a man on the respect that he gives his family, his morals, his work ethic, his ability to grow as a person, and the respect that he gives me.
I’m not sure where slim gets this notion about bowing don to a man, because I cant imagine myself bowing down to anyone; however, I do believe that a woman does need to let a man be a man. There are roles in a relationship, and those roles should be established by the people in the relationship and no one else! If you have expectations in a relationship, those expectations should be made clear. Do not expect your mate to be a mind reader.
His most controversial quote (in the minds of Black women) was
“White women treat they man like a king and Black women feel like they ain’t gotta do that shit. Black women need to stand by their man more. Don’t always put the pressure of if I’m fucking with you, you gotta buy me this and that”Maybe Slim doesn’t read his history books, but I do not know a race of women who has stood by their men more than Black women. It is not that Black women do not stand by their man, it is that society is set up to have an imbalance in the Black family structure. More and more Black women continue to raise themselves up the social ladder, while Black men have a series of obstacles preventing them from achieving the same goals.
The only part of the article that I can say that Slim lives by himself was when he spoke about Black people needing to learn how to invest their money instead of waste their money on things that will not maintain their value. While I agree that there are a lot of Black people who need to change their way of thinking, I do not attribute this as a race issue, but a socio-economic issue. The most important part of what he was saying will ultimately be lost in a sea of hate regarding his comparison of Black and White women. It seems like pretty common sense at this point to know that that is the ultimate NO NO. Articles presented in this manner only bring a continuation of a long history of hate.
To read the full article click here
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